Recent work and adventures

As long as possible, I try to keep a coherence in my work regarding the thematics of the photography or the workflow dedicated to a special project or trip. It allows me to keep a precious balance between the time line and inspirations I can have at certain periods of my life and the pleasure and fun to capture and edit the unexpected!

" 1001 NUITS"

A few years ago I had the opportunity to visit the United Emirates and especially Abu Dhabi. More precisely, it was a cold winter in France, and we were looking for a warm place offering a complete different atmosphere.... and let's say it was exactly what we got!

We had such a great time over there, mainly because of the diversity of things to visit and all the contrast between each activity. What stroke me first was of course the opulence in the main cities, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. But right next to this wealth and modernity, it was also very easy to dive into more typical and natural ambiances for example whitin the desert or at the contact of every sacred places of Islam.

For a photographer who enjoys so much contrast, this contry is a must do...

Beloved South Sardinia

25th of July 2015. I finally marry the woman of my dreams. 48 hours after, we take off in honey moon, direction Cagliari, Cala Gonone and Pula. I guess this is the reason why I feel such a special relation with Sardinia. Actually, with my birth home town of Courbevoie in France, this is the only place I truly personalize.

I was so amazed after this first time in South Sardinia. We then decided to come back the year after, exactly at the same place : Pula...

Life is sometimes funny. Despite the love I have for this region, I have not enjoyed the charm of my secret paradise since 2016. Therefore I felt such a special emotion two month ago when I finally made it. What a sweet pilgrimage. I realized, I missed it so much, that three weeks after, I was back again...always at the same spot : my dear Pula.

I am now happy as a child after receiving his christmas presents and it is a real pleasure to share with you the captures of my beloved Sardinia : a jewel of charm, and serenity....

Back on track


Such a beauty

Tribute to Pula

Pula, my safe haven. This city situated 40kms west from Cagliari, is a treasure of peace and serenity. It perfectly represents the mood of South Sardinia wich appears way calmer and simpler than the notrthern part of the island. I love so much to walk over there between 3 and 5 pm at summer. This is siesta time; the sun projects its shadows on the building while the heat is exhausting and you hear nothing but silence. These south mediterranean ambiances matter a lot in the stories of the shoot.

Treasures from the past

Nora, just hundred meter away from Pula represents a legacy of at least 3000 years of history. Above the crystalline and topaze water of Nora Beach, set the archeological ruins. Ideally situated in the Mediterranean Sea, the Phenicians established there 900 years BC. Then the city knew its glorious past during the Carthaginian era and then under the Roman Empire. Nevertheless, in parallel of the importance of the site for history, a discipline I particularly enjoy and admire, there is something more. Every time I come back to Pula, I feel the imperious need to stroll whitout any goal in the ruins, just breathing under the wind perfumed with a slight fragrance of pine and medidating. Actually I don't believe in reincarnation. But if so, I presume, I would have been a Carthaginian child born over there with parents so grateful towards the goddess Tanit.

Life at the beach

I feel pretty confident that Sardinia is a magical land who takes care of her children. Beatiful lady, she brings calm to their mind, serenity in their harts and smile on their faces. I saw that without any doubt on the beach and I am always grateful to enjoy such great moments in Nora, Chia or my sweet Tuerrada.

When fades the day

Gracie mille per tutto bella signora. Ora sono un po'tua. Arrivederci e ci vediamo. Ti amo...